Sunday, November 30, 2008


Well just wanted to write a quick update...haven't had much time for blogging lately with my cuñado's wedding coming up on the 5th. I feel like it's my wedding at times, lol, but hey I love to help in what I can. We finished the ramitos, delantares, and everyone's clothes is ready. All I need to do is the programs and the table cards and we will be set. Other than that I wanted to mention it was my husband Hector's bday on the 27th. Yes, on was nice because we were in mexico for my cuñado's visita that day and it felt like we were just having a bday party for Hector!! We didn't even have to buy the food!! Woohoo!! Lol, I got him a cake and we celebrated there, it was nice. The cake was sooooo good, one of the best I've ever bought. Here is a pic of us.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Just feeling kinda sad for the Garza family...Tia Delia past today and I have had the family in my prayers. Although we all knew she was going to pass for a couple weeks now it's weird how it's still pretty hard to pass. But thank God she is not having anymore pain physically. May God bless the entire family and give them the strength and understanding they need. We will never understand why God does what he does, but I know everything He does is for a purpose and we just need to place our trust in Him...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Just venting...

Isn't it funny how we tend to take things for granted? Like what you might ask? Well, like our time for family? I believe we meet people for a reason...make friends for a into people for a reason...listen to curtain things, etc...
Don't you think God works in mysterious ways? Isn't it weird how you feel one way one minute and another the next...(well for us girls anyways, lol!)
What am I getting at? Well, I guess what I'm getting at is how merciful God can be even when we don't deserve it many times. We were preached this morning of how, as Christians we sin, ask for forgiveness, expect to be forgiven...even though...we have not confessed of our sin or asked for forgiveness to the person we have offended. Then we go about our "Christians" like if all is well and nothing happened. ?Does that make sense? Well, it sure did when they preached it this morning. They told us that we need to be freed from all that sin "before" moving on,'s like we are living a lie, the lies are blocking our prayers into heaven. Like falling asleep mad, we know we shouldn't, but at times it "accidentally" happens. We really need to fix it asap.

I met someone weeks ago who was a "non-believer". This person told me that they were "all good" with God. They said they didn't feel they had to be "Christians" or have to go to church to be "OK" with God. But I could tell that they wanted to know more.
They had a question, they asked me "How can God be so forgiving, how can He forgive even the big sins? Why would he?" So that was my opportunity to say how great God is and merciful He can be. That we are all sinners and we were born sinners, not just because we are "Christians" we are perfect, we are definitly human and fail. It's questions like this that get me a christian that I am and have been all my life, why do we take these things for granted, like Gods forgiveness? We just assume that He will forgive us if we are truly repented of our sins, we are thankful and move on. But yet, for the non-believer it's just so great and wonderful how God can be so forgiving. It's just an eye opener I guess...I thank God for these acquaintances. Although they are non-believers they help us in our daily walk with God.

I'm sorry if none of this makes sense. It's just thoughts that are in my mind and I really need to let them out, LOL!

My prayer is for God to help us daily with our trials and tribulations and a HUGE thank you to Him for his never ending mercy and forgiveness for sinners like me!!! I also thank Him for letting me be a light that is shining for Him and that with this experience I had the chance to spread His word. I love you Lord!

Monday, November 10, 2008


I know!! It's been forever since I have blogged, well I have been out of my house for the past two months, we went to Washington to work and look for greener pastures...but I guess it wasn't as green as we thought, so we are back home now. Well above are some green pastures we encountered when we arrived! All in all, this experience was one I would probably not want to repeat...working potato harvest was different for me. I went through a lot of trials that have never come to my life and I guess I am thankful to be back home. It's way too much to explain and believe me I would have to start a book if I would write it all down, but, through it all God has overcome. Thank you Lord for all you do. It was great to meet new people and made many new friends, whom I don't know if I will ever see again, but I thank God for the opportunity He gave me to minister to others of His gratefulness and invited many to come to the house of the Lord. I hope to have planted the seed in many and to have been an example in one way or another to some.

Anywho, it's good to be home, above are some pix of our way home. I love being with my family back in Othello, but with 4 kids, you need your own space.

It was so exciting to see this sign of welcome to TX, we just had to stop and take pix! Well when I arrived home I realized how much I really missed my bed!!!!! It was nice to be home. And well we had lots and lots of yard work to do. But it's all done now and we are all settled in.

So we arrived on tuesday and went to mex on wednesday and thursday and the weather was just wonderfully warm and beautiful! Here is a pic of my parents green yard and the sun that was shining down on us that day. It was nice.

Now we are getting things ready for my bro-in-law Javier's wedding. It's 3 weeks away and we have to help him in all we can...