Hi I'm Sandra, just a small town girl who has been blessed by the Lord. My husband Hector and 4 children complete my wonderful family. Thanks for coming by to see what's up with my life!
Last week was Vacation Bible School!! What a fun/hectic week! The theme was "La Busca del Tesoro en todo Tiempo" which is in search of the treasure at all times. So it was all decorated like if we were in the jungle, all very nice. It was an awesome experience. I was the choir teacher and it's all set up like school, each child's class has to go to different periods...like, first they will go to P.E. then next to art class, then choir, then story time, then memorization of verse period. So I was teaching the songs all day with different classes. I felt that 45 minutes was way too much time to teach 1 song each day, so I found myself explaining what the song meant with each class to pass the time and ended up preaching for a good 20 minutes with each class. I seen how the Holy Spirit worked through me...it was a wonderful spiritual experience, and fun all at the same time! Now that it is all over I am excite for my cousin Alex's wedding next weekend...as soon as Hector gets home from NJ we will look for a load to WA...here are some pix of VBS...