Well it sure has been a while since I've poured out my heart on this blog!! I guess the truth is, with Facebook, it's so much easier to say what you are doing and move on. You don't have to sit here...thinking what to write! But these past few months I have been through some tough times in my life and I have chosen not to "expose" my self on fb, twitter, or myspace anymore. I've been hurt by many things ppl have said to turn things I have written into something I did not mean to say. It's amazing to see how some ppl feed off of these posts and make them into something they are NOT!! And at the end of the day, I really don't care what anyone has to say about things I choose to post or not, but I would rather close doors that can cause ppl to rumor! It's all good, I chose to learn from this and move on, I was affected but I'm not going to dwell on it! I know, ppl will be ppl and some just truly can't help it. Gotta just love them anyway, but close some doors along the way. Our pastor here at church said the other day, we should try not to talk to ppl who never have anything positive to say. And when you think about who you are talking to in your daily life and realize that some ppl are just criticizing and pointing fingers ALL the time, you just got to cut the cord. Its so tough sometimes but, hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.
I have entered a new level of closeness with Christ and I just want to elevate to be closer and closer to Him...I don't want any distractions and I think I'm getting rid of some of them :) God has been soo amazing to me, He has opened my eyes to so much more than I could have ever imagined and like never before want more and more of Him. I don't claim to be the perfect person but I am trying to be a better person each and every day.
Today we had an amazing presentation of our "Noche Mexicana" with choir. I think it sounded amazing! I received many compliments on how we sounded and am very pleased with how well everyone did. I am thankful to God for His presence in my life tonight...He is so sweet and amazing and I love feeling Him with me!
I miss my hubby soo much!!!! He is in WA for harvest, left around the 6th of September, so he has been gone 2 weeks tomorrow. I hope the next few weeks passes super fast so he can be home soon!! I am so thankful that my kids are doing well and have been very healthy and have been doing well in school.

This is a family picture we took at Aaron's 3rd Birthday party.