Sunday, November 30, 2008


Well just wanted to write a quick update...haven't had much time for blogging lately with my cuñado's wedding coming up on the 5th. I feel like it's my wedding at times, lol, but hey I love to help in what I can. We finished the ramitos, delantares, and everyone's clothes is ready. All I need to do is the programs and the table cards and we will be set. Other than that I wanted to mention it was my husband Hector's bday on the 27th. Yes, on was nice because we were in mexico for my cuñado's visita that day and it felt like we were just having a bday party for Hector!! We didn't even have to buy the food!! Woohoo!! Lol, I got him a cake and we celebrated there, it was nice. The cake was sooooo good, one of the best I've ever bought. Here is a pic of us.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Just feeling kinda sad for the Garza family...Tia Delia past today and I have had the family in my prayers. Although we all knew she was going to pass for a couple weeks now it's weird how it's still pretty hard to pass. But thank God she is not having anymore pain physically. May God bless the entire family and give them the strength and understanding they need. We will never understand why God does what he does, but I know everything He does is for a purpose and we just need to place our trust in Him...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Just venting...

Isn't it funny how we tend to take things for granted? Like what you might ask? Well, like our time for family? I believe we meet people for a reason...make friends for a into people for a reason...listen to curtain things, etc...
Don't you think God works in mysterious ways? Isn't it weird how you feel one way one minute and another the next...(well for us girls anyways, lol!)
What am I getting at? Well, I guess what I'm getting at is how merciful God can be even when we don't deserve it many times. We were preached this morning of how, as Christians we sin, ask for forgiveness, expect to be forgiven...even though...we have not confessed of our sin or asked for forgiveness to the person we have offended. Then we go about our "Christians" like if all is well and nothing happened. ?Does that make sense? Well, it sure did when they preached it this morning. They told us that we need to be freed from all that sin "before" moving on,'s like we are living a lie, the lies are blocking our prayers into heaven. Like falling asleep mad, we know we shouldn't, but at times it "accidentally" happens. We really need to fix it asap.

I met someone weeks ago who was a "non-believer". This person told me that they were "all good" with God. They said they didn't feel they had to be "Christians" or have to go to church to be "OK" with God. But I could tell that they wanted to know more.
They had a question, they asked me "How can God be so forgiving, how can He forgive even the big sins? Why would he?" So that was my opportunity to say how great God is and merciful He can be. That we are all sinners and we were born sinners, not just because we are "Christians" we are perfect, we are definitly human and fail. It's questions like this that get me a christian that I am and have been all my life, why do we take these things for granted, like Gods forgiveness? We just assume that He will forgive us if we are truly repented of our sins, we are thankful and move on. But yet, for the non-believer it's just so great and wonderful how God can be so forgiving. It's just an eye opener I guess...I thank God for these acquaintances. Although they are non-believers they help us in our daily walk with God.

I'm sorry if none of this makes sense. It's just thoughts that are in my mind and I really need to let them out, LOL!

My prayer is for God to help us daily with our trials and tribulations and a HUGE thank you to Him for his never ending mercy and forgiveness for sinners like me!!! I also thank Him for letting me be a light that is shining for Him and that with this experience I had the chance to spread His word. I love you Lord!

Monday, November 10, 2008


I know!! It's been forever since I have blogged, well I have been out of my house for the past two months, we went to Washington to work and look for greener pastures...but I guess it wasn't as green as we thought, so we are back home now. Well above are some green pastures we encountered when we arrived! All in all, this experience was one I would probably not want to repeat...working potato harvest was different for me. I went through a lot of trials that have never come to my life and I guess I am thankful to be back home. It's way too much to explain and believe me I would have to start a book if I would write it all down, but, through it all God has overcome. Thank you Lord for all you do. It was great to meet new people and made many new friends, whom I don't know if I will ever see again, but I thank God for the opportunity He gave me to minister to others of His gratefulness and invited many to come to the house of the Lord. I hope to have planted the seed in many and to have been an example in one way or another to some.

Anywho, it's good to be home, above are some pix of our way home. I love being with my family back in Othello, but with 4 kids, you need your own space.

It was so exciting to see this sign of welcome to TX, we just had to stop and take pix! Well when I arrived home I realized how much I really missed my bed!!!!! It was nice to be home. And well we had lots and lots of yard work to do. But it's all done now and we are all settled in.

So we arrived on tuesday and went to mex on wednesday and thursday and the weather was just wonderfully warm and beautiful! Here is a pic of my parents green yard and the sun that was shining down on us that day. It was nice.

Now we are getting things ready for my bro-in-law Javier's wedding. It's 3 weeks away and we have to help him in all we can...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ups and downs

Just wanted to update my blog a little bit now, I hadn't had the chance to sit down and type or think, for all that matters, these days. Things have been a little crazy these days with changing my kids schools and all. I applied for a job at the place I used to work 6 yrs ago and have been waiting for a call of some sort and have not received one. So if I don't receive a call from there I will work in the potato harvest for a few weeks then leave back home to TX. So I've been home, not doing much except entertaining my kids and feeding whoever's home. It's in Gods hands as I have written in the past. See what happens.
Lil' Hector is enrolled in Hiawatha Elementary, he was very hesitant to go to class at first, but then he blended right in with all the other kids, and Vianney had her first day at pre-school yesterday, she just loves it! I had the chance to stay with her the first 2 hours and help out the teacher because she was short staffed on her first day. So that was nice for me to see how things ran in her class. Her teacher is Mrs Enriquez, she was one of the teachers from connell when I went to school there, many, many yrs ago and she still remembered me, so it's nice for her to be teaching my little girl now. I'll post pix soon.
There are ups and downs of being here, I miss my home very much, I just as God for patience and guidence in these down times.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Walking toward opened doors...

Don't really have much to blog about this week, it's been kinda hectic with getting up early for school and trying to get the kids showered by 8 pm and off to bed.
But I guess I have been pretty bummed with the fact that my husband is in Washington state right now and I'm here. Miss him like crazy!! Things just have been crazy lately, financially and emotionally. Our business has not been going well and we have been striving for a change and so my husband is trying something "new and different" that we think will be better, because he won't be out of the house as much and he can be with his family more. We are walking toward opened doors God has provided us and I guess we can say it is by faith because we do not know what the future holds. I am going to Washington in a week or so with the rest of the family and am in Gods hands. I am thinking of looking for a job and that will help us out. Like I say our lives are in Gods hands and we both feel this change is necessary.
I feel excited in a way but I am also very scared. Like I tell my husband, it's not as easy to "up and leave" like when it was just the two of us, we are 6 now and with schools and therapy's for Lil' Hector it's hard. But, here goes nothing.....

Monday, August 25, 2008

Yes, these are my two oldest precious children, of whom I am soooooo grateful to the Man upstairs for. They seem to just full my eyes with tears when I think of how fast they have grown, it seems like time is just passing me by!! But it's great and I am living life to the fullest and definitly enjoying every minute I have with them. My oldest of my girls, Vianney had her first day of pre-K today. I was a little sad after leaving the kids at school this morning because while all the other kids were crying for their moms, Vianney was looking at me and saying, Bye mom!! Then to top it all off, I leave Hector off in his classroom and wait to talk to the teacher and Hector looks at me and says "What are you still doing here, mom??" It's amazing!! So off I go back home. I ended up having a lot of quality time with Brianna and Aaron, so it all turned out well. Vianney was just super excited when she got home, talking about how fun it was at school, what she ate and that she had lots of friends...but she didn't know their names quite yet, lol. All-in-all, I thank God for watching after them!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The J-Factor...

What are my clothes saying about me? (Author: Shelly Ballester) This was the lesson I gave last night in Y's class (our youth girls class in church from ages 15 and up)'s a topic that is given in Y's just about every year, one of my favorites! I think the girls really like it too. It's an interesting subject because it seems like now days everything we wear and do is considered ok and for us representing Christ, it is not. What is the J-Factor, the Jesus Factor. I retrieved a lot of my information from the A of G website on the net, just google it, thats my new moto, the internet, it's great!
There is a magazine article that had this info that was just great. The author Shelly Ballester talks about how important it is to look at ourselves and what we are portraying to the world around us especially to people who are in the "spot light" a lot, maybe part of a worship team or leader of some sort. She stated "We really need to be aware that the little things can be a stumbling block to someone else and totally get in the way of the ministry you are trying to accomplish." And this brought a lot of attention from the girls around me. It seems like a lot of times we feel that we can wear what ever we want, God is only looking at our hearts after all. But doesn't what we wear on the outside reflect what we have on the inside?? And if it was not that way why does 1 Corinthians 6:19 say "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? In First Timothy, women are told to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, and not with expensive clothes (1 Tim. 2:9). There is obviously a connection between how one’s body is displayed and sexual attraction. This is true for men as well as women. Immodest dress that overly reveals one’s body often encourages sexual lust which is sin. The Bible says in Matthew, "anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." (Matt. 5:28). This applies to us women as well as men. For this reason all Christians should dress appropriately and maintain wardrobes that honor Christ and do not lead others away from His Kingdom. Aaahh, the J-Factor.
I know all this is pretty strong to be publishing on my blog, but, this info was a blessing for me who is always looking for ways I can honor Him. And maybe it can be a blessing for you as well. And that is what this is, just a little something to help you in your walk with God. Never to criticize anyone but to teach them what He is teaching us in His word.
No, I am definitly not perfect, nor do I claim to be, but isn't that what life is all about, trying to better ourselves and them around us as much as we can and honor and glorify His Holy name through it all!
Remember, the J-factor is something that should be visible wherever we are. We represent Christ and should always be striving to glorify Him. At the end of the day the best outfit you can wear is confidence.
Now, this doesn't mean we have to be boring in our dressing we still be fashionable without looking like you’re trying to show off the goods. Being modest (modest means observing the properties of dress and behavior) doesn’t mean you can’t be creative.
Just something to take into consideration in your walk with God. Lets think a little bit before we dress tomarrow...lets apply the J-Factor to our daily routine! God Bless!
Here are some of my girls from Y' you girls!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Just Relax...

So we are still thinking of going to washington for harvest, but things just got complicated with our business. The truck was getting fixed and took 9 days to get fixed, then we couldn't find a load for another 5 days...2 weeks with the truck stopped is hard. Unfortunately the bills don't stop when the truck does :( maybe next But, we are still going to try to go since the potatoes don't start till the 20th or so of Sept, we still have a little time. See what happens. Seems like every time you think you are getting ahead of the game..."things" happen. Stinks, right?! Oh well, I just trust in God, He has NEVER let us down. I already learned that in the toughest situations, He always helps us through. I used to get really freaked out when we were struggling, but now things can get so difficult and I just know we will overcome. Last night I laid in bed thinking of this, (as of last night my husband still had no load or even hopes of getting one. Things here in the valley are soooooo slow right now, no one has nothing) just knowing that God would do something and this morning there was a load! It's going to Florida but right now we will take anything. God is so good, he really shows us this every day. Thank you Lord!

This takes me to Job in the Bible, don't know if you are familiar with his story, but he went through a lot! Our troubles are probably nothing compared to what he suffered, on many occasions he wanted to die to stop the suffering. Yet, God had his purpose, I think we all are learning from him because in the end Job learned something new when he suffered his great troubles. He learned that it is more important to be a servant of God than anything else. And that is the moral of the story :). Lets think on that.

I thought this pic of Brianna was appropriate for
"leaving everything in God's hands, just relax, and serve Him!"

Have a blessed day!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Days come, days go...

So, it's been a little crazy on my end...I feel like you just can't catch up with time!! A few days ago I had my godson Valente II (Welly) here with his brother Sakiel, they are down here for the summer from Washington and spent the afternoon with me and my kids, we had a good time, I took them to the park to see the ducks, feed turtles and play at the playground and I think they had a good time...besides the heat of course...

Hector my son had such a great time with his cousins, and that's Marcus in the middle, he was visiting as well.
Then on Sunday the 3rd of August was my baby boy Aaron's first birthday. We have not yet had his "official" birthday party but had to celebrate such a memorable are a few pix...

His godparents (Freddy and Mary) were unable to be here on his birthday but came over last night and brought his birthday gift, he just loves it, although he does not know how to work it yet!

I thank God for my husband and my family and for the life he has given me to this day, without Him I am nothing...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Baby Aaron...walking!

Can't believe it's been a year already since I was in Washington for my brother Abner's wedding. I was 36 weeks pregnant when I flew up to WA to prepare for the wedding and lo and behold I began getting contractions early on and decided to see my previous Dr who delivered my first two children. While at the clinic Dr. Schroff told me I was beginning to dilate and I should not get on the airplane or I would go into labor for sure. So that meant I had to stay and deliver in WA. So August 3rd, 2007 I delivered my 5th child, Aaron Micheal Garza at Lady of Lourdes hospital, Pasco, WA. Aaron really never stops amazing me, as my last child I wanted him to be a baby forever...but that didn't happen, he started rolling over, then crawling, and at 10 months he was walking, now just a few days before his 1st birthday he's almost running me over, lol! He is just too cute, (I know you are probably thinking...well what else can she say it's her child,) but no really just look at this short video. Mijo is just a doll makes you want to eat him all up!

Anyways I was just remembering these days last year, I spent them at my brother Ben and Martha's house, to be closer to the hospital for when the time would come and they treated me like royalty! Thanks again guys, you guys are great, Hector my husband had to work away from home the last days and Ben and Martha were there with me every step of the way, couldn't have done it with out you! Abner and Maggie also offered for me to stay with them in their apartment, (but they were newlyweds, uh I don't think so, lol, thank you also, Mom and Mary were in the delivery room with me and it was just nice to have my family's support! I feel in debt with you all. I thank God for all of you...may God bless you always!

Friday, July 25, 2008

My Grandpa

Aawww, yes family...what a pleasure it is to have them. This is my grandpa Chon, full name is Concepcion Valdez. I am very fortunate to have him, he is my only grandparent left and I have him living only minutes from where I live. I wish life was not as "busy" now days as it was before. Seems like life was so much sweeter back then. Like with family and life. Back when they used to sit on the porch every afternoon and just talk about life. We have so many things made easy for us now days, everything seems to be rushed. Hurry to the bank before 4:oo or the money won't go in tonight, go return the movie before 8:00, or you'll get a late fee, you better go get that car today because tomarrow the sale is over. Not to mention all the options for faster food...I mean down to the cheese, you can buy the block, slice, shredded, or even string! I even seen a can of chocolate that you push a button on the bottom and it heats up instantly!!! Wow, things are getting so crazy! Well, that's how my life feels at times with 4 kids. Time to feed them, clean them, play with them, teach them, and have time to clean the house, cut the grass and go to church! Well, my point is that I don't find as much time to go visit this special man as much as I wish I could.
All my life I have looked up to my grandparents for the example they have left behind. We can definitly only wish to live as long as they did and love as much as they have. My grandpa Chon aka: welito Chon is a great guy. He is currently assisting a Adult care center where he says he feels like he's at home. He has many friends there and he really enjoys going half of the day during the week. He showed me a pic of a recent King and Queen contest they had there, he was crowned King, soo cute!! I wish he knew how to send me the pic so that I could post it. Next time I go visit I will try to email it and post it here. He had the whole cape and tall crown, they went all out and well the queen I guess was his "friend" but he said she wasn't talking to him Anyways, I love you welito and I thank the Lord for you. May God bless him with good health and more years to come.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

My first blog!!

Hi everyone!

Ok, so I didn't have a blog before and I tried blogging on my myspace and well that just wasn't working for me and my brother Ben (my oldest brother I may add) has been insisting and insisting on my getting one here I go! I love to make you proud big bro, so this is for you Ben :)

Yesterday as you may all know was a major day in history here in the Rio Grande Valley. Hurricaine Dolly decided to come visit and make landfall about 75 miles east of my home here in TX. Going only 8 miles per hour at about 1:30 p.m. My sis-in-law Erika came over since the night before and brought her two kids so that we could ride out the storm together and we did. It was so nerve racking to think of what could happen in just one moment. Listening to the rain crash up on the windows like rocks was soo scary. But thank the Lord all is well and no major damage was done. While waiting and watching the news on TV, my little Brianna and her cousin Ethan played "ring around the rosie". They were just clueless as to what was going on in the world outside.

While we were inside chatting away and taking care of the kids, here are a few pix of what was happening outside.

This palm tree is over 4 yrs old and very heavy, I'm glad it didn't fall on my dad's van! I couldn't pick it up on my own my neighbor had to come help pick it up and straighten it. Anyways here are a couple more...

My next door neighbor's fence and basketball hoop pulled out from the ground...

And this is my little tree in the back yard, didn't stand a chance.

Anyways, we are thankful to God that this was all the damage and that nothing worse came. Thank you all for your concern and calls during the storm, really shows you all care!

Today has been pretty rainy and we are hoping to not have this happen again anytime soon!