There is a magazine article that had this info that was just great. The author Shelly Ballester talks about how important it is to look at ourselves and what we are portraying to the world around us especially to people who are in the "spot light" a lot, maybe part of a worship team or leader of some sort. She stated "We really need to be aware that the little things can be a stumbling block to someone else and totally get in the way of the ministry you are trying to accomplish." And this brought a lot of attention from the girls around me. It seems like a lot of times we feel that we can wear what ever we want, God is only looking at our hearts after all. But doesn't what we wear on the outside reflect what we have on the inside?? And if it was not that way why does 1 Corinthians 6:19 say "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? In First Timothy, women are told to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, and not with expensive clothes (1 Tim. 2:9). There is obviously a connection between how one’s body is displayed and sexual attraction. This is true for men as well as women. Immodest dress that overly reveals one’s body often encourages sexual lust which is sin. The Bible says in Matthew, "anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." (Matt. 5:28). This applies to us women as well as men. For this reason all Christians should dress appropriately and maintain wardrobes that honor Christ and do not lead others away from His Kingdom. Aaahh, the J-Factor.
I know all this is pretty strong to be publishing on my blog, but, this info was a blessing for me who is always looking for ways I can honor Him. And maybe it can be a blessing for you as well. And that is what this is, just a little something to help you in your walk with God. Never to criticize anyone but to teach them what He is teaching us in His word.
No, I am definitly not perfect, nor do I claim to be, but isn't that what life is all about, trying to better ourselves and them around us as much as we can and honor and glorify His Holy name through it all!
Remember, the J-factor is something that should be visible wherever we are. We represent Christ and should always be striving to glorify Him. At the end of the day the best outfit you can wear is confidence.
Now, this doesn't mean we have to be boring in our dressing we still be fashionable without looking like you’re trying to show off the goods. Being modest (modest means observing the properties of dress and behavior) doesn’t mean you can’t be creative.
Just something to take into consideration in your walk with God. Lets think a little bit before we dress tomarrow...lets apply the J-Factor to our daily routine! God Bless!
Here are some of my girls from Y' you girls!

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