My beautiful family on christmas eve.
My kids.......

Wow, has it really been over a month since I have last blogged?? Well, let me tell you it's past super fast, the month of December seems like a big blur. Starting from my brother in law's wedding, which was pretty stressful. Why, well the florist that was supposed to be at the church at 8:00 am did not arrive till 5 minutes after the time the wedding was supposed to start...imagine that!!! Then to top it all off, she brought the wrong pillars!!! It was just awful, so just imagine them setting everything up with all the guests watching!! Yeah, well I was so upset that I cried!!! Anyways, I'm glad it's all over, it all came out ok I think no other major set backs...the food was great and everything else rolled smoothly, here are some pix...

This was on the way out of the church...

After the wedding we relaxed a bit, went out and had a great time with the family...this was on our way to the Villa de Santiago, we stopped to "enjoy the view" at "la cueva"

And the whole family...except dad who was taking the picture.

We also had a day out with Roy and Mity our compadres, we went to Bosque Magico, which I had never been to and I highly recommend it for families with small kids, it was great. Had a lot of rides for the little ones! It was pretty cheap too!

They all got to ride together! They had a blast!

And we got soaked!!!

We also had a couple days out with Hector's side of the family that were fun at the carrizo, the weather was nice and so we went out on the 4 wheeler and everyone else went out on their 4 X 4 pick-ups.

And this is my hubby's side of the family...we had lot's of fun!

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