So, the final verdict was, Vianney had viral meningitis and Hector we really didn't know but he was treated for his headache and vomiting and severe dehydration and Aaron and Brianna had picked up a bacteria called shigella somewhere, we don't know where, maybe daycare. Hector and Aaron were home on Wednesday and the girls got to go home on Thursday. Here are some pix of them in the hospital...

So everything went well at the hospital, I had Nansi and Esmer help the first night with all the kids, they were so helpful to leave their families to come help me with just don't know what that means...even now to think about it I cry. I get so emotional with just the thought of all the calls I received and the messages, the prayers over the phone. People that you couldn't even imagine called to ask if I needed anything. I can't explain how nice that felt in my heart, how it helped console our hearts, my husband received many calls as well...poor guy couldn't get a load to come home all week and was stranded in Denver, he was going to just come empty, but Lord knows that would have just made the stress levels in our home a lot worse.
To have my mom come was the cherry on the top...made me feel like I had a big load off my shoulders. Thanks for coming mom, it's been a blessing for me and my family having you here with us. I know it was difficult for her to leave her home, job, and my dad for me, so thanks dad for letting her come. And for Ben and Martha who I think were the ones who paid for her ticket...means a whole lot guys!
After we were home on Thursday, things were back to normal, my hubby got home in time for church Sunday night and left again Monday afternoon so that he could go and come for Mother's day. Kids were feeling so good...check out these pix! Girls wanted to play dress-up with their new Hannah Montana outfit! Hahaha!

Then Monday night I started feeling bad. I got a horrible headache that lasted all night, took more advil in the morning and ate breakfast, and didn't go away, that whole day is a big blurr, my head was just throbbing and I was nauseated all day. Couldn't keep nothing down, kids came home from school and I couldn't even get up from bed...slept all day and through the night...I couldn't even open my eyes because the vains in the back of my eyes felt like they would burst...yes it was that bad!
I can't remember ever feeling this horrible pain. So Wednesday mom and I went to take me to the Dr. The Dr gave me a shot of Antibiotics and one for the pain and basically told me to go to the Dr who attended Vianney so he can attend me too because he thought I had what she had...meningitis! Well, after and hour of leaving the Dr's office I finally began to feel relief from the pain and it just went down from there. I believe I'm healed by the Grace of God and declare that in His name! I pray that this sickness leave me and my family forever and that it die forever!!
Today I feel a lot better, I thank God I am not feeling that pain I had, I feel very little compared to what I had 2 days I declare it gone!
Tomorrow night we want to leave to San Antonio to go leave mom....we'll see what happens...
1 comment:
When things are going good is when it gets the toughest. Look at your previous post. Interesting how we are attacked when we declare victories isn't it? But we have VICTORY! :) Sandra, I'm happy that we could help. It was the least we could do. We'd rather have you here...but that's not possible. In any case, give each one of the kids a big hug from their uncle Ben and aunt Martha. Love ya!
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