Hi I'm Sandra, just a small town girl who has been blessed by the Lord. My husband Hector and 4 children complete my wonderful family. Thanks for coming by to see what's up with my life!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Spring Break!!
Well just thought I would take a little time to blog about how my week was going. We started off the week by going to Mexico, it was ok, the weather didn't help much because it was raining and everything was wet and muddy. So we went to church Sunday night and had dinner with my inlaws...then the next morning we had breakfast with my inlaws and came back to TX. It was a long day b/c we spent most of the day on the road, the line at the bridge was 2 hours long and so it was about a 5 hour drive! Hard on me and the kids! So anyways, I've had a good week with the kids, didn't take them anywhere extravagant but I have dedicated most of my day to them and took them to the park and out to eat several times, mostly so they can play in the indoor playgrounds. It's been fun to sit back and just watch them play and see how God has been blessing my life with them, sometimes you just get caught up with life and all the problems it has for us that you don't have time for that. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I ever take them for granted, I don't. If anything I thank God for them because I know that at any moment they can be taken from me. I realize that they are a gift from God, believe me I've had one taken from me at 36 weeks pregnant, my first born little girl, I could never take them for granted, but I thank God for little reminders, daily of His amazing mercy for my husband and I. And for giving me the ability to stay home and enjoy the time I have with them. Here a couple pix of my kids while eating at burger king this week.
Anyways I'll post more pix from spring break later...I was also having some huge laughs this morning with these Jay Leno Photo Booth Pranks...you have to watch! Enjoy....
That was hilarious sis!!! WOW. ROTFLOL.
That video is pretty hilarious!! I'm glad you're having fun with the kids this week...how exciting!!
I know guys, this video, I just couldn't stop laughing, I just had to share...thanks for the comments!
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