Monday, August 15, 2011

A New Experience

So, Hi! It's been a few months and I was going to write this down on a piece of paper but decided I'd blog about it here instead. You all know how great God is in my life...I can't stress that point enough. Well, last Sunday He showed Himself to me in the most amazing way.
Sunday August 7th, 2011, I was awaken 30 mun b/4 my alarm rang to get ready for church, so I felt like it was God tugging at me to get up and pray, (previously I've asked God to wake me up so I can give Him more time in prayer, I have a hard time getting up in the mornings). So I say "yes Lord, I'm up" and I begin to pray and just praise him, after about 25 min, I just began to Worship Him and I felt His presence so strong in my body, I began to feel as though I was not in my body anymore, I got numb from head to toe, couldn't move anything but my eyes, it was as if I was in another dimension...just an all around amazing experience, I was aware of what was around me, I just felt like I was not there, I thought for a moment that maybe I was dying because I began to feel something cold from the top of my head running down, I felt it come down to my lips and they just started shaking, I started breathing very heavily, I can't explain how I was feeling, comforted, hugged, loved, at the same time, yet scared for my kids...if this was the end for me, how where they going to react to seeing mommy laying there, lifeless? I said, God, but my kids...but if it's Your Will, it's my will...I closed my eyes and I remember seeing darkness but a large ring of light and I wanted to see it closer and the next image I seen was very fuzzy but looked like millions of bodies around and in the light...I tried to see closer but the next think I know it was gone...I was back and it was over. My body was covered in a cold sweat and weak for a couple minutes. I just began to weep and thank God for this amazing experience and want to seek Him more...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sad Day

Today I am sad. Can't put it all out there today, but just know that life's changes are tough sometimes...hard to take in.
Here is just a verse that I had been thinking about in Spanish James 5:12 if you want to look it up in English:
Pero sobre todo, hermanos míos, no juréis, ni por el cielo, ni por la tierra, ni por ningún otro juramento; sino que vuestro sí sea sí, y vuestro no sea no, para que no caigáis en condenación.
In other what you say you are going to do, do not do otherwise. And if you claim to be a Christian, practice what you preach. Don't lie, cheat, or wish wrong for others. Finally, don't be someone whom you are NOT!! It's worse to do wrong knowingly!! People can see right through you, even though you think they only see your outer shell...I still love you but wish you would stop. For the sake of us ALL!!! PLEASE and Thank you! Ok, I feel better now...bye.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Soo, today was a crazy day!
I went to bed about 11:30pm, 20 min later Brianna came to my bed with a cold, so I have her some meds and tried going back to bed. Well, when I was falling asleep I heard ppl (girls)screaming outside frantically!! Then there were 3 gun shots! A car drove off while there were still ppl screaming. My heart wanted to stop and I didn't know what to do, so I got up and checked to make sure my door was locked and kids were asleep. I looked out Vianney's window and seen a girl sitting on the curb, crying, uncontrollably and a guy was by her. He called the police and I heard him say they killed his friend!! I later seen the emt and police cars arrive. This happened at the house to my immediate right, the one I shared (b/c we finally got the fence put in to separate last yr) the back yard with. Anyways, just wanted to let you know what happened last night I would have never thought would happen so close to home. So because of this my whole day was off...then we had elections at church tonight and I was chosen to be one of the deaconesses from our extension! What a privilege to serve the Lord in this way! I am also the new ext. Missionette it will be an interesting busy year :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Opportunities

Well it's Feb, 17th today...Valentines just passed, had a good time at the banquet, gave up out crowns this year, was nice to spend the evening with my hubby. Here is a pic of our fab evening :)

December elections I didn't get anything this year. I decided to let go of was time to move on. We had extension elections yesterday for Misioneras and Pescadores and Missionettes. I was 2 ppl away from becoming the Pres of Damas and tied for vice. Then I ended up with Coordinator for the extension of Missionettes. I'm excited for the new opportunities and ready to give it my all! I'm still helping with the grupo de alabanza that is always awesome to Worship God in that way...which is my passion!! I really love my church family and am excited for the things God is doing in our church!
Many prayers have been answered, God is soo good. I love my hubby, I love my kids, I love my family! I'm happy!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Last week my kids and I went on a load with my husband Hector to Washington State where I got to see some of my family who mean a lot to me. While I was there I received a message quite clear to me. We drove by a huge lottery sign in Oregon which read 330 million!! I immediately thought about what "I" would do with that much money. The first thought was CHURCH!! Being that we just had some pretty, um, tense elections, regarding finances. I thought the first thing I would do with the money would be pay off all the churches and buy all the necessary things we need and then some, maybe buses, gyms, redo the whole church in San Benito and redo the auditoro!! But then I, THAT WOULD BE WAY TOO EASY! Then the message came...
Can't you see what I am doing?! This is just a trial you MUST overcome to get from point "A" to point "B". You need to go through this to learn. And yet you have not. You have decided to try to move forward on your own two feet, rather than let Me be the one to guide you along the way. And then you "think" you are in My Will.
Can't we see that this is what life is all about. Trials come to our life and we need to get through them "with the help of God". They come to help us learn how we can rely on God and how with Him we can get through. He wants to see what we do with what comes our way, do we stray or do we stop and let Him take the wheel. Why do we feel that we can do this on our own? Yes, we say from the mouth out, sure I asked God to help me, but do we? Do we really get on our knees and plead for our church, family, health or whatever we need. Sometimes that's all He really wants, for us to truly seek Him. I think everything would just fall in place, the money would just come, problems within the family would just fade and make us stonger, we would heal in an instant...but NO we just dig, and dig and dig and the hole gets soo big, we don't know how it happened or if we can get out of it...till we sit down on our behinds and just think, WOW, Lord you are the ONLY way out! You are the only one who understands me, the only one who can resolve this! And when we do...His arms just open up and He'll say, "here I am my child, I've been waiting for you to come to me, I love you and will never leave you."

I just feel sad that many people don't see it that way, they choose to take things in their own hands and don't care who they hurt a long the way, they have things interfering with their Spirit and choose to ignore it and try to fix it by moving away. Um, sorry, but you need to fix it, not run away from it! God has been so good to me, he has brought be through some really tough things and I guess sometimes you have to go through things to learn and to GROW! His Spirit is the best thing that has happened to me...and saddening Him is the worse thing ever. I don't want to do anything to sadden His Spirit in me. I wish we all thought that way. But I guess that's live and then you learn. Hopefully we all learn before it's too late.

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.
John 4:23,24

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” - Matthew 6:19-21